Michelle Doppler

Hundeflo-dog trainer Salzburg City, Flachgau & Umgebung

Why I became a dog trainer for Salzburg City & Surroundings:

After what felt like 100 dog training manuals, my dog was still dancing around on my nose.
Recall? Not a chance. Leash training? What’s that? And dog encounters were a disaster.
I kept seeing owners whose dogs had a green lead. Every encounter with them was totally stress-free, only my dog was anything but relaxed. That’s how I became aware of Hundeflo.
The training concept not only convinced me, but also led to me finding my passion in training dogs.

Area of application: Flachgau, Salzburg-Stadt, Tennengau

What I love about this job:

That every dog is an enrichment in life and I can take away the fear and pressure of doing something wrong.

“Rules bring more quality of life for two- and four-legged friends.”
